WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Our products are restricted to adults 21+ only.


VAPEOHM Zumo JS36-A Disposable Box Vaping Type-C Rechargeable 10ml E-Juice cool mint

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The VAPEOHM Zumo JS36-A Disposable Box Vape offers a robust vaping experience designed for users who prioritize convenience and flavor variety. Here’s a detailed overview of its features, benefits, and considerations:


Key Features


  1. Puff Count:

   - The JS36-A provides up to 5000 puffs, making it an excellent choice for heavy vapers or those who prefer long-lasting devices without frequent replacements.


  1. E-Juice Capacity:

   - With a generous 10ml pre-filled e-juice capacity, this device allows for extended use between refills or replacements.


  1. Battery Life:

   - Equipped with a 600mAh rechargeable battery via Type-C charging, ensuring quicker charge times and longer overall usage compared to non-rechargeable disposables.


  1. Heating Coil Technology:

   - The mesh coil design enhances flavor production and vapor quality by providing even heating throughout the coil surface.


  1. Flavor Variety:

   - Users can enjoy a selection of 10 different flavors, catering to various taste preferences from fruity to menthol options.



- High Puff Count: With up to 5000 puffs available, this vape is ideal for users looking for longevity in their vaping sessions without the need for constant replacement.


- Large E-Juice Capacity: The 10ml capacity reduces the frequency of needing new devices or refills while delivering consistent performance throughout its lifespan.


- Rechargeable Battery: The Type-C charging capability enhances user convenience by reducing downtime associated with recharging and prolongs the life of the device compared to single-use-only options.


- Mesh Coil Advantage: Mesh coils provide improved flavor intensity and cloud production due to their larger surface area compared to traditional coils.



While the VAPEOHM Zumo JS36-A boasts impressive features and benefits, potential buyers should consider:

- As it's labeled as "disposable," some users may still prefer products that allow customizable e-liquid options over fixed pre-filled solutions.


- Although rechargeable via Type-C port enhances usability, it may not be suitable if you are looking strictly for traditional disposable vapes where no charging is involved at all.


- It’s essential to check local regulations regarding vape products before purchasing due to varying laws on nicotine sales and consumption worldwide.



The VAPEOHM Zumo JS36-A Disposable Box Vape presents an excellent option for those seeking a high-capacity disposable vape with rich flavor selections combined with advanced features like rechargeability. Its design caters well both toward casual users looking for easy-to-use solutions as well as seasoned vapers who appreciate flavorful experiences with minimal hassle!


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Size55 cm
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Some of the products available on this website contain nicotine. Only proceed if you are over 21 years of age.