WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Our products are restricted to adults 21+ only.


JS23 Zumo Disposable Vape Pen 8000 puffs Rechargeable 3-5% Nicotine E-Juice 12ml Mixed Fruit

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The Zumo Vape-JS23 Disposable Vape Pen is a versatile and high-capacity vaping option designed for users who seek long-lasting performance and flavor variety. Here’s a detailed overview of its features, benefits, and considerations:


Key Features

  1. Extended Puff Count:

- The JS23 offers up to 8000 puffs, making it one of the higher-capacity disposable options available, perfect for extended use without needing frequent replacements.


  1. E-Liquid Capacity:

- With a cartridge pod capacity of 12ml, this vape pen provides significant e-liquid volume for prolonged enjoyment.


  1. Battery Life:

- Equipped with a 650mAh battery that is rechargeable via Micro-USB, ensuring ease of use when the power runs low.


  1. Mesh Coil Technology:

- Utilizes advanced mesh coil technology that enhances flavor delivery by restoring the original taste profile of e-liquids while producing smooth vapor clouds.


  1. Stylish Design:

- Made with two-color injection molding combined with an aluminum shell, the device not only looks modern but is also durable and lightweight.


  1. Flavor Variety:

- Offers an impressive selection of 10 different flavors to cater to various preferences and enhance the vaping experience.


  1. Portability:

- Its compact design makes it easy to carry around—ideal for on-the-go use or travel situations where convenience is key.



- High Puff Count & E-Liquid Capacity: With up to 8000 puffs from a sizable 12ml cartridge, users can enjoy less hassle regarding refills or replacements—perfect for daily vapers.


- Rechargeable Battery Functionality: The Micro-USB rechargeable feature extends usage life compared to traditional disposables while allowing users flexibility in managing battery life.


- Superior Flavor Experience: The mesh coils restore original flavors vividly while minimizing any harshness during inhalation—a sought-after characteristic among flavor enthusiasts.


- Aesthetic Appeal & Durability: The stylish appearance combined with robust materials ensures that the device not only looks good but withstands everyday wear and tear.


- Ideal for Travel & Ease-of-use: Its portability makes it convenient for travel; you can easily slip it into pockets or bags without any burden.



While there are many advantages to the Zumo Vape-JS23, potential buyers should take note:


- As a disposable vape pen focused on pre-filled options similar concerns about customization may arise—users who prefer personalized e-liquid choices might want more flexibility in their devices.


- Legislative regulations concerning disposable vapes vary by region; it's essential to be aware of local laws regarding nicotine products before purchasing.


- While rechargeability enhances lifespan over typical disposables; some consumers may still favor single-use devices due to their simplicity in operation.



The Zumo Vape-JS23 Disposable Vape Pen stands out as an exceptional choice for vapers seeking longevity combined with flavorful experiences in a stylish design. With its substantial puffs count, ample liquid capacity, and modern aesthetics—it caters well both as an introductory device suitable even for seasoned individuals desiring convenience without compromising quality!


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Some of the products available on this website contain nicotine. Only proceed if you are over 21 years of age.